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October 2007
Lincoln, NE to Muscatine, IA, 343 miles Monday, October 1.
We were on the road fairly early today, wanting to make it as far as Muscatine, IA so we could visit our friends, Susan and Dean. The trip was pretty uneventful and we arrived at the Fairport Recreation Area Park ($11) on the Mississippi River at about 5:30.

When we went to disconnect the car, we found that the battery was dead. We solved that problem by me towing it with the motorhome for a short distance while Mike rode in the car and popped the clutch to get it jump started. It worked. We proceeded to get setup for the night.

Susan and Dean picked us up and took us for a short tour around Muscatine. They then treated us to a very nice dinner at the Button Factory, a very nice restaurant in the historic part of the town. At one time in history, it was discovered that there were large quantities of mussels in the Mississippi River bed, thus a great source for making pearl buttons. Muscatine was know for its production of buttons. We had a great conversation at the restaurant, then went to their house for a while. It is always nice seeing good, old friends again.

Tuesday, October 2.
We finally got off the interstate highway, heading north on US 61, then east on US 151. It was so nice to see the hills of western Wisconsin again. The grass is so green and the trees are starting to turn colors, but there isn�??t a lot of it yet. Good �?? we will get to see the best of the fall color in this area.

We arrived at Babcock Park ($22/day) at about 2:00 and once again, the battery on the car was dead. We will have to have it checked out to see if that is the problem or if it is something else. We managed to get it going and to get setup with no problem. Frisco is fascinated by the squirrels. Pat stopped by on his way home from work and ended up staying for dinner and visiting for quite a while. It was so nice to see him again �?? after a little while, it seemed like no time had passed. Funny how that works.

Muscatine, IA to McFarland, WI, 200 miles
Wednesday - Sunday, October 3 - 7.
Wednesday, October 3.
We had a few errands to run this morning, but as soon as we finished, we headed to Wyocena to see Mom. She didn�??t recognize Mike right away because of his beard, but it didn�??t take long and she was so happy to see us. We didn�??t stay in her room for long, but went out to the patio to enjoy the beautiful weather. It was bright, sunny, and close to 80 degrees. We also went for a walk around the grounds and enjoyed the lake. Our visit was wonderful.

Pat�??s house was our next destination and it was going to be meeting time for Frisco and their dog, Lucky the German Shepherd. We introduced them on the sidewalk in front of their house and they were just fine, so we let them into the back fenced-in yard. What fun they both had, running around, chasing each other around, wrestling, and just having a great time. It was the first time we had seen Frisco run, and he is fast, fast, fast.

It was so nice to see Tracey and Savana again �?? we had a really nice time

Thursday, October 4. Happy Birthday, brother Bob! We were up bright and early and on the road to Portage by 8:45 where we met up with Dan and then headed over to visit with Mom again. When we arrived at the nursing home, we were met by 4 other dogs that were there visiting �?? they provided some good entertainment for the residents and had fun with each other too.

We were both tired and ready for a nap when we got back to McFarland. Just as we were going in, my cousin Ken stopped by, so we sat at the picnic table visiting with him for a couple of hours. Had a great visit and weren�??t so tired after that. We do need a rest, as the trip seems to have worn us out. Will take it easy tomorrow.

Friday, October 5. Once again, we�??re struggling with wi-fi connections. We�??re tucked in amongst the trees here at the park and get a really weak signal on our aircard (recently purchased because the old one wouldn�??t work on Mike�??s Mac). We both get pretty upset when we�??re disconnected.

Today was a day to get a few things done, to sleep in a bit this morning, and to not rush anywhere or drive down the road. Frisco and I got in a really nice walk this morning, the car got washed, the laundry got done, and the tanks got emptied. Dinner tonight was at Barber�??s Bay �?? our old hangout when we lived on Starr School Road. Unfortunately, we couldn't give them a very good revue as the lake perch was dry or overcooked. We were so looking forward to the wonderful lake perch dinner.

Saturday, October 6. The weather here has been beautiful, bright sunny days with temps in the low 80s and nights not much cooler than that. The AC has been on for the last 2 nights.

This morning, we headed to Pat's house to hang out for a while. A lot of time was spent in the back yard so the dogs could run and play. Boy, did they run and play. When we got back to the park in the afternoon, we gave Frisco a bath - he didn't especially like it, but he didn't totally object either.

Patty and Roger came by at about 4:00 and we sat and talked and drank an Old Fashioned. Toby's was the dinner destination and we had a wonderful meal there. Both Mike and I tried the lake perch again and were not disappointed this time. It was so nice to visit with our dear friends again.

Sunday, October 7. Today was spent at Dan and Sharon�??s house in Portage. When we arrived, Ron, Becky, Brooke, and Elizabeth and Reanna were there and we got to visit with them for an hour or so. Right after they left, Chad, Becky, and Cody arrived. Shortly after that, Rachael, Rob, and the new baby, Ryan and their dog, Jake got there. The kids have all changed a lot in the last year. Reanna and Cody are both walking and saying a few words. It was a fun afternoon playing with the kids and catching up on the news of the family. The dogs got along well too.

Becky and I took Cody and Reanna for a ride in the stroller, thinking that they might just doze off, since they had been playing real hard. Instead, they just enjoyed the ride. It was a hot and humid day, so around the block was as far as we got before we were both panting and had worked up a sweat.

It felt so nice to see the family again and get to meet the newest additions.

October 8 - 14, 2007
Monday, October 8. The day got started a little late again this morning, we just can�??t seem to get up and get moving quickly. PetSmart was our first stop, as we had to pick up some water conditioner for Freddy, the Betta fish and naturally, we ended up buying stuff for Frisco too.

As we drove up to Wyocena to see Mom, it rained for a little bit. The weather forecast is calling for more fall-like weather, temps in the 50s and 60s. The trees are changing; most of the leaves have fallen from the cottonwoods and the maples and birch trees are turning bright yellows and reds. The Wisconsin countryside is so beautiful, we�??re glad we decided to take the trip here.

Mom was happy to see us once again and we were a bit concerned because we were notified yesterday that she had a low grade fever and a dry cough. She was in good spirits and said she didn�??t feel sick. We showed her our website photos on the computer and took her for a nice walk outside.

Pat fixed us a nice chicken dinner tonight and we had a good visit

Tuesday, October 9. We decided we needed another day to just take it easy. Its a long drive to Portage and Wyocena and we really needed to get some things done. The house was cleaned this morning, and I took a nice long walk with Frisco. The weather was cool and crisp this morning, starting out at about 58 degrees. The day became beautiful as the sun got brighter - it was one of those cool, crisp, fall days that are absolutely beautiful.

I ran some errands later this morning and stopped by Fran's house to say hello. While I was there, Larry stopped by and we sat and talked for quite a while. I picked up some groceries as we had invited Pat and Tracey to come by for ribs cooked on the Holland Grill tonight.

When I got back home, Mike had moved our motorhome to the number 1 spot, designated for the camp hosts. There hasn't been a camp host here since we arrived, so the park ranger said that we could move to that site - it has water, electric and sewer hookups, unlike the rest of the sites that only have electric. Today, we are the only RV in the park.

Mike was anxious for me to get home because he decided he couldn't put it off any longer and he was going to buy an I-phone today. Needless to say, it didn't take long for him to get in the car and head for the nearest AT&T dealer.

Pat, Tracey, and Savana came for dinner and it was so nice this afternoon that we started a campfire. Unfortunately, just as they came, the wind picked up and the sun went down and it got pretty cold. The dinner turned out great and Tracey brought a delightful pumpkin roll for dessert. We all sat here geeking out on our phones, blackberries, and I-phone.

Wednesday, October 10. I just got back from my morning walk and it was cool and windy. It is now time to dress in layers again and I had to dig out the only warm jacket I have with me. We went from running the air conditioner one day to running the furnace the next day.

Mike and I picked Fran up in Stoughton and we went to the Red Lobster in Madison, where we met up with my cousins Donna, Ken and his wife Gerta, and grand-daughter Ava. We had a real nice lunch, but especially the company and conversation was enjoyable. It was a good reunion and we were able catch up on some of the family news again. It would have been nice to spend more time together, but I am thankful that we could arrange this.

After we got home, we both took naps. Mike went to Pat's house this evening but I was feeling real tired and decided to stay home. All I did was lay around and read.

Thursday, October 11. By 9:00 this morning we were headed for downtown Madison, hoping to spot my brother Rick somewhere. After driving around for 2½ hours, we gave up, feeling quite disappointed. I might have to try another day before we leave the area again.

From there, we headed up to Wyocena to visit with Mom again. As usual, she was quite happy to see us. Although it was a cold day, she wanted to get outside, so we walked a couple of blocks to a small farm market and bought her a small pumpkin, some Indian corn, and a few colorful squash. I also bought some tomatoes, apples, squash, and a pumpkin. We shared one of the tomatoes when we got back to her place and it was as delicious as I remembered Wisconsin home grown tomatoes to be. Its always so nice to spend time with Mom, as she is so appreciative and good spirited.

Friday, October 12. Happy Birthday, to our good friend, Roger. After spending the day running errands; getting a new battery for the car and stocking up on dog food and a gentle leader collar for Frisco (hoping to train him to walk on the leash without lunging at squirrels and other dogs).

When we got back home, we tried the Gentle Leader and there was no way we could get it to work. It seemed like something was missing. So I went back to the store and sure enough, some crook had returned the item with the wrong thing in the container. The first attempt had great results - he tried to rub it off a few times, but gave up on that quickly and we had a great walk.

This evening, we went to Pat and Roger's house and then to Rex's Innkeeper in Waunakee to meet up with his family and to celebrate his birthday. There were 27 people there. Mike and I were talking on the way home that it is so nice to be "honorary members" of their family and included in some of their gatherings. It was nice to see them again. A few pictures are in the gallery.

Saturday, October 13. Our morning started with a brisk walk using the Gentle Leader and it sure worked well. There was one time when he started to lunge at a couple of squirrels, but that ended quickly.

Right after breakfast, we headed to Stoughton to hang out with Pat, Tracey, and Savana. Savana is going to the homecoming dance at school tonight and is excited about the event. The dogs had a great time again. It is amazing how tolerant Lucky is, allowing Frisco to take away her toys, chew on her bones, and tease her relentlessly.

Later in the afternoon, we disconnected the motorhome and drove up to Portage where we will be spending the next few days with Dan and Sharon. They just received a new computer and Mike worked on getting that setup for them. Rob and Rachel and their family came up for dinner and to watch the Nascar race. We had a nice time playing with Reanna (quite the little bundle of energy) and visiting.

Sunday, October 14. It rained through the night, so we didn�??t have much of a walk this morning. Dan and Sharon both had to work today, so Mike and I took the morning kind of slow. They have a wonderful Jacuzzi tub, so I took advantage of that and had a nice, long, warm, enjoyable bath this morning. Thanks Dan and Sharon!!!

We had a family gathering at the Columbia Health Center this afternoon (where Mom lives). We had a nice turnout of Dan and Sharon, Patrick, Becky and Ron with Brooke and Elizabeth, and Patty and Jimi. It was an enjoyable afternoon with some snacks and good family company. By the time we left at 5:00, it was time for some relaxation.

When we got back to Dan and Sharon�??s, it was *bleep*tail time, so we all sat and talked and relaxed before dinner.
October 15 - 21
Monday, October 15. An R&R day for us, hanging out with Dan, visiting, catching up on laundry, going for walks, and just plain taking it easy. Mike never took a shower or got dressed until 5:00 this afternoon.

Tonight, we drove over to the Dorf Haus in Roxbury, WI for great German food, music and company. Pat, Tracey, Tracey's aunt and uncle Diane and Al met us there. The food was a buffet of various traditional German stuff and naturally, we stuffed ourselves. The ride was a nice drive through the Wisconsin countryside.

Tuesday, October 16. We had an appointment this morning to have the windshield washer and the AC/heater fan on the motorhome repaired, so we were up early and dropped it off by 9:00. After that, we drove to Baraboo to the Log Cabin Restaurant for breakfast. What a nice place that is! The décor is rustic northwoods with huge beams and woodcarvings throughout the place. The breakfast was very good too.

When we got back to Dan�??s house, we all relaxed and made up a batch of spaghetti for dinner tonight. It got pretty warm so we were able to sit outdoors for a while and got in a few nice walks with Frisco.

After picking up the motorhome, Mike realized that the fan didn�??t work consistently, so he drove back there and found out that we will have to take it back tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 17. Today started out the same as yesterday, with a trip back to Joe�??s Repair shop. We went to visit Mom later this morning. Mike and Dan went to get burgers for us for lunch. Mom really enjoyed it. She was kind of sad today, expressing her desire to run away quite frequently and telling me that she gets real lonely. She and I did have a very nice visit while Mike and Dan were gone.

The motorhome was finished by the time we got back to Dan�??s, so we packed up and headed back down to McFarland for the next week. It�??s always nice to hang out with Dan and Sharon, it really feels like home around there. Pat stopped over after work and we had a real nice chat.

Thursday, October 18. It got real stormy through the night but was fairly nice when we got up this morning. When I took Frisco for his morning walk, he refused to budge with the Gentle Leader on. I'm not sure what happened that caused it. I couldn't even encourage him to move with treats. So I will give up on it for a week or so and see what happens. Already, his walking behavior has improved.

Pat's work for today was called off, so he spent the afternoon with us. The temps were in the 70s and it was a nice day to watch the different cloud formations come through. The are predicting some possible severe weather but the worst that we have seen is gusty winds.

Tom and Karen came by after work and we walked over to the Maple Tree for dinner. It was very nice visiting with them again and catching up on old news and learning about their upcoming retirement plans.

Friday, October 19. Today was my day to do some shopping in Madison and to meet some good friends for lunch. I met up with Leslie, Linda, and Jane at the Cloud 9 Diner on the east side of Madison and we sat and gabbed for a couple of hours. It was a very nice reunion since it had been 3 years since we have seen each other. I took a picture, but it didn�??t turn out well at all, so will have to wait to get one from Linda.

Mike and Pat went to the shooting range in Cottage Grove to shoot at targets with Pat�??s pistols. They had a great time doing that. Mike said he was way out of practice and really enjoyed it.

Patty and Roger picked us up this evening to go to Springers Restaurant (formerly Sunnyside Resort) on the north side of Lake Kegonsa for dinner. We had an excellent dinner and also ran into some old friends that we worked with at Covance, Sharen and Craig. It was nice to see them again and we sat and talked for a couple of hours after dinner, catching up on the news of many of the people we knew from our working lives. Covance has grown a lot since I left, they have added on to the building many times. It was a good place to work for 25 years and I feel I was treated fairly and given opportunities while I was there. Its hard to believe it has been 5 years since we retired �?? and we have no regrets.

Saturday, October 20. The weather was absolutely gorgeous today, sunny and bright, clear blue sky, with beautiful fall color. We spent the day at Pat�??s house hanging out in the back yard where the dogs were playing and having a great time. We drank some good old Wisconsin Spotted Cow beers and just enjoyed the weather and each other. Pat fixed some delicious shrimp-wrapped chicken breasts on the grill and I brought a butternut squash and apple side dish. We�??re getting a little tired of eating at restaurants. This was a pleasant break.

Tracey�??s sister Dana, her husband Justin, and their 14 month old son, Gavin stopped by. Gavin was having a great time with the dogs, laughing when they licked his face. He�??s a cute little guy.

Sunday, October 21. My brother Ron joined us for breakfast this morning, as we are down to the wire, and still haven�??t had a chance to see each other and visit. I fixed some yummy eggs with onion, spinach, and tomato, bacon, toast, and a fruit salad. Pat came by and we all enjoyed the breakfast, sitting at the picnic table in the park. The day was beautiful, although a bit on the windy side.

Pat, Mike, and I went to Madison to shop at Best Buy and Gander Mountain. After Pat left, Mike and I started a fire in the fire pit and enjoyed that while watching the sunset. The wind had died down and it was a beautiful evening.
October 22 - 28, 2007
Monday, October 22. It was another busy day, starting with a trip to Wyocena to visit with Mom. She was in a very cheerful mood and we had a nice visit on the porch overlooking the lake. The day was gray and cloudy and the temps dropped down in the 50s.

Trader Joe�??s in Madison was our next stop, as there are no TJ�??s in Missouri or Texas, so we wanted to stock up on a few things that we really like from there. When we got back to the motorhome, I started to make lasagna that we will have for dinner at Pat�??s house tomorrow night �?? our last night here. Shortly after we got back, Pat stopped by on his way home from work and we yapped with him for a while.

Tonight, we met Pat and Roger, AJ and his girlfriend Amy, Gary and Susie at the Maple Tree for dinner. It was a fun time and so good to see them all one more time before we leave. Pat and Roger will be coming to visit us in Texas next March.

We no more than got changed into our comfy clothes when I saw a car�??s headlight pull up and it was my cousin, Ken stopping by to chat. He invited us to join them for breakfast in the morning but we had to decline, as it will be a busy day getting ready to move on again. We�??ve had a wonderful visit, but very busy.

Tuesday, October 23. Today was another busy day, starting with a trip to the laundromat by 8:00. By 9:30, we were off to Wyocena again, meeting with Dan and Sharon until it was time for Mom's lunch. Then the 4 of us went to the Caddy Shack in Pardeeville for lunch. Mike and I went back to visit with Mom for a while after lunch. We sat on the porch and watched the beautiful fall colors and the lake.

This evening, we went to Pat and Tracey's house for dinner and to hang out for a while. It's hard to leave, but we have had a wonderful time together and are looking forward to seeing each other again in Mexico for Ben and Jill's wedding.

October 22 - 23, 2007
Monday, October 22. It was another busy day, starting with a trip to Wyocena to visit with Mom. She was in a very cheerful mood and we had a nice visit on the porch overlooking the lake. The day was gray and cloudy and the temps dropped down in the 50s.

Trader Joe�??s in Madison was our next stop, as there are no TJ�??s in Missouri or Texas, so we wanted to stock up on a few things that we really like from there. When we got back to the motorhome, I started to make lasagna that we will have for dinner at Pat�??s house tomorrow night �?? our last night here. Shortly after we got back, Pat stopped by on his way home from work and we yapped with him for a while.

Tonight, we met Pat and Roger, AJ and his girlfriend Amy, Gary and Susie at the Maple Tree for dinner. It was a fun time and so good to see them all one more time before we leave. Pat and Roger will be coming to visit us in Texas next March.

We no more than got changed into our comfy clothes when I saw a car�??s headlight pull up and it was my cousin, Ken stopping by to chat. He invited us to join them for breakfast in the morning but we had to decline, as it will be a busy day getting ready to move on again. We�??ve had a wonderful visit, but very busy.

Tuesday, October 23. Today was another busy day, starting with a trip to the laundromat by 8:00. By 9:30, we were off to Wyocena again, meeting with Dan and Sharon until it was time for Mom's lunch. Then the 4 of us went to the Caddy Shack in Pardeeville for lunch. Mike and I went back to visit with Mom for a while after lunch. We sat on the porch and watched the beautiful fall colors and the lake.

This evening, we went to Pat and Tracey's house for dinner and to hang out for a while. It's hard to leave, but we have had a wonderful time together and are looking forward to seeing each other again in Mexico for Ben and Jill's wedding.
McFarland, WI to Newton, IA, 265 miles Wednesday, October 24.
After being in Wisconsin for nearly a month, today we move on. We will take 2 days to get to Kansas City where we will visit with my family before heading to Texas. The plan was to get started by 10:00 this morning, but it didn�??t quite work that way. We were all ready to go by 9:30, but when we checked the tail lights, they didn�??t work right. Mike and Pat replaced the broken connector on the car last week. After a call to Blue Ox and another to the person in California that installed the base plate, Mike had it fixed and we were one the road by 10:30 �?? still not a bad starting time.

The drive through southwestern Wisconsin was enjoyable as it is the peak of the fall colors. Everywhere you looked in any direction were hillsides dotted with dark reds, browns, yellows and greens. It is such a pretty area anyway, but on a bright sunny day, it can�??t be beat. It was a real windy day, so we both got tired driving and we didn�??t get great mileage.

We stopped for the night at about 4:00 at Newton, IA at the Rolling Acres RV Park ($25), just east of Des Moines. The park is nice, but it�??s right next to the interstate. After getting settled, we took a nice walk along a woodland path, had a nice dinner, watched some TV, and enjoyed the strong WIFI connection on the computers.

Thursday, October 25.
There was frost on the pumpkins this morning when we woke up and our water hose was frozen. Fortunately, the sun was facing us and it melted off quickly. We both slept in and that felt sooooo good.

The drive was easy, the weather perfect, and we had no strong winds knocking us around today. We arrived at Bob's house at about 3:30 and it didn't take long to get setup. Rita stopped by for a short visit. We had some of my lasagna for dinner tonight.
Newton, IA to Grain Valley, MO, 244 miles
October 26 - 29
Friday, October 26. On Friday, we spent the day cleaning up the house - just hadn'had a lot of time to vacuum thoroughly and it seemed like we had a layer of dog hair and dust on everything. It felt real good to get things cleaned up.

Rita and Denny invited us to their house for dinner and we had a wonderful salad, steak and lobster, and garlic mashed potatoes. It was nice to just relax and visit - had a lot of good laughs too.

Saturday, October 27. This morning, the carpet in the motor home was cleaned by the guy that does Bob's apartments. So first thing this morning, we put all of the stuff that was on the floor up on the bed and couch.

Randy, Julie, and Lanae arrived at about 11:30 and it was so nice to see them all again and to get caught up on the events of the last year. Lanae has grown so much - she's almost as tall as me - imagine that! We were all busy preparing for the Mexican feast we would be having at Amber's house in the evening.

Rita and Denny and Rene and Mike stopped by later in the afternoon and we all drove to Amber and Joel's new house in Lee's Summit. Their house is very nice and it reflects the months of hard work that they have put into making it their home. We also got to meet their puppy, Cooper, a darling little black *bleep*apoo. He and Frisco got along well and had a good time playing. We also got to see Christel and to meet her significant other, Josh, a very nice guy.

After our wonderful dinner, we all played WII bowling, baseball, and boxing games. It was a lot of fun and we laughed a lot.

Sunday, October 28. The morning was beautiful, although there was some frost on the ground when I woke up and it was a little nippy for the morning walk. The day was pretty laid back, sitting around having a nice breakfast, and visiting.

Lanae and Julie took the 4-wheeler out, stopped to explore the woods, and couldn't get it started again. So Randy, Penny, and I all walked back there with them and we ended up exploring in the woods. Randy was showing us some signs of deer. We could hear Bob heading our way on his lawnmower, so we all hid so he would have to come find us. We heard him start up the 4-wheeler, but then he took off toward the house again. When we left the woods and got back to the 4-wheeler, there was no key in the ignition, so we laughed and started walking back to the house. Then here comes Bob headed our way, waving the key in his hand. We thought he would come looking for us and he thought we had all gone back to the house.

Brittany and her boyfriend, Kyle, stopped by later in the afternoon and we sat in the motor home visiting with them.

Minsky's was the place for dinner tonight, none of us felt like cooking and we weren't up for anything fancy. After dinner, we all called it an early night.

Monday, October 29. We both slept in until nearly 9:00, so meeting Rita and Denny at 11:30 for lunch was a bit of a challenge. I did get a load of laundry and a shower in before then. They took us to Bryant�??s Barbeque, a good old Kansas City tradition and they lived up to their reputation for great BBQ. After lunch, we got a tour of the downtown area that has lots of construction going on. We stopped at Planter�??s Seed near the city market and stocked up on seasonings and a hummingbird feeder that sticks to the window �?? can�??t wait to get those critters coming to visit.

We finished with the laundry when we got back to Bob�??s and enjoyed the beautiful weather. We had a great dinner of salad, steaks, and baked potato. The Green Bay Packers played tonight, so we watched the game after dinner. The score was tied in the last few minutes of the game, it went into overtime and I just couldn�??t stay awake to watch, so headed for the motorhome. I no more got my PJs on when Mike came in the door and announced that the Packer�??s won the game in the 1st 15 seconds of overtime.

Tuesday, October 30
Time to move on down the road again, and we got all hooked up and ready to go by about 10:30. We headed south on US71, then west on I44 toward Tulsa. The wind was strong and the truck traffic was awful. I thought that taking the Will Rogers Turnpike (I44) would have less truck traffic, but that certainly wasn't the case. Also, it was a bit uncomfortable since we were traveling at 60 mph and everyone else on the road was going 75+. I don't think we will take that route tomorrow.

We stopped for the night at the Water�??s Edge RV Resort ($28)near Langley, OK, a beautiful spot on a peninsula on the Grand Lake of the Cherokee. The site is a pull-in, with our windshield facing the lake. In front of the motor home is a picnic table and a nice deck over the lake.

We had a nice, quiet evening and watched the democratic debates on TV.
Grain Valley, MO to Langley, OK, 237 miles
Wednesday, October 31
What a day! The morning was nice, watching the sun rise over the Grand Lake of the Cherokee and taking a nice, long walk before getting started on the road. The plan was to take Hwy 69 and 75 that angled south toward Dallas and avoided Tulsa and Oklahoma City, but Mike missed a turn this morning and we ended up going into Tulsa on old Route 66. That brought back memories of our trips through there in 1968.

When I took my shift, I got back on Hwy 75 but then it changed and I didn�??t catch it, ended up on I40 headed for Oklahoma City. We ended up on I35 which would be the ultimate road to take south, so it wasn�??t too bad other than some extra time and miles. Getting through Dallas cost us at least 1.5 hours, meaning that we didn�??t reach our destination until 8:00. The Lake Whitney Golf and RV Club is about 15 miles west of I35 and was really hard to find. Needless to say, we missed a couple of turns trying to find it. Then when we got to the park, it was hard to find a site, since there was no map of the park posted anywhere. We finally just parked, plugged in, and settled in for the night.

At 3:00 am, Frisco started scratching at his ears and shaking his head so much that it woke us up. We put some drops in his ears and he started panting and was very upset. He couldn�??t stop rubbing his neck and ears on the carpet. We thought he might need to get outside, but that turned out to be just an opportunity to rub on the grass. I called a 24-hour veterinarian that suggested some Benadryl and rub some hydro cortisone cream on the inside of his ears. That seemed to settle him down and we were able to get a few more hours of sleep.

Langley, OK to Whitney, TX, 430 miles

Created on 10/04/2007 06:30 PM by bridge
Updated on 11/01/2007 09:36 AM by bridge
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