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June 2009

May the sun shine, all day long,
Everything go right, and nothing wrong,
May those you love bring love back to you,
And may all the wishes you wish come true.
Irish Blessing

June 29 - 30, 2009
Monday, June 29. Frisco and I had a nice and peaceful walk along the bike path that follows Bear Creek this morning. Kyle and Brittany picked us up around 10:00 and we stopped for some breakfast before heading north to explore Crater Lake. We took a short detour to see the remote area where they lived for the past year and to see Lake of the Woods, a private resort. Between Medford and the National Park, the terrain changes from flat valley and cattle grazing lands surrounded by mountains to the snow line, then into dense wooded old growth forest. The peaks of Mt. McLaughlin, Mt. Scott, Mt. Bailey, and Mt. Thielsen (ranging in height from 8,300 to 9,500 feet) can be seen from the road.

Crater Lake was formed 7,700 years ago when a 12,000-foot-tall volcano collapsed following a major eruption. It is 4.5 to 6 miles wide and is 1,943 feet deep. There was still evidence of the 44 feet of snow that falls every winter. The color is the prettiest blue that I have ever seen and is impossible to describe and I'm sure the pictures don't do justice. At the park entrance and Rim Village, we walked along the rim to take in various views of the spectacular lake.

From there, we drove along the west rim to Watson Falls, where we stopped for a picnic lunch but were attacked by pesty mosquitos and ended up sitting in the car to eat. We hiked back about a mile to get spectacular views the falls. At the top, the spray from the falls make the earth wet and muddy and you got right up close to the waterfall.

Our last stop before heading back home was to see the Rogue River Gorge. A trail follows along where the river cascades through a constricted channel of basalt lava. The gorge was formed by the erosive action of the river. Many thanks to Brittany and Kyle for their excellent guided tour and pleasant company.

Tuesday, June 30. After a conversation with Jill this morning, I can finally tell the news that they are expecting their first child, a son, around January 6th. The news was announced to Mike and I on my birthday upon our arrival to San Francisco. What an exciting and happy occasion that was, we just couldn't share the news quite yet. They wanted to hold off on telling the relatives and friends until they were through the 1st trimester and that all was OK. You can bet that I won't be keeping it a secret any longer. Congratulations, Ben and Jill!
June 27 - 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27. We finally got on the road around 11:00 this morning and headed to Phoenix, Oregon where we will spend the next week or so. The drive was beautiful, through the mountainous Cascade-Siskayou Range and for more than 50 miles, we had a view of Mt. Shasta's beautiful snow covered peak.

Upon arriving at the Holiday RV Park ($215/week), we got settled into our nice site along Bear Creek, a nice grassy area with lots of trees, the soothing sound of water flowing over rocks. The Cottonwoods are spreading their dust and it looks like snow on the ground. Brittany (our niece) and Kyle came over to meet up with us and we headed to lunch at a little 50's style diner. After lunch, we hung out at their house until Brit had to go to work. They recently moved to Phoenix from Klamath Falls and have a nice house and lots of yard and garden projects to keep them busy for a while.

Kyle gave us a tour of Ashland when we took Brittany to work. It sure is pretty here, a valley surrounded by mountains and we are looking forward to doing some exploring.

Sunday, June 28. It was so nice to wake up to bright sunshine and the birds chirping. When I walked Frisco this morning, I discovered that there is a hiking/biking path just across the creek from us, so that is where we will be walking from now on.

I went to Medford and got some groceries this morning, then we headed to Brit's house early afternoon to introduce the dogs. Brittany has Kasha, a Sheltie and Kyle has Leah, a St. Bernard (she is one huge 155 pound dog). Immediately on our arrival, Leah decided to go through the screen on the sliding door to see what was going on in the house. Then Kyle held her and we kept Frisco on the leash to introduce them - he tired her out be running just far enough ahead of her and behind objects where she couldn't reach him. All is good.

They had a picnic to go to this afternoon, so Mike and I headed back home and they joined us later in the evening for dinner. We had a great time just talking and having beers and looking at pictures. Tomorrow, we will take a drive to Klamath Falls and Crater Lake.

When Mike took Frisco out around 10:30, he noticed several police and sheriff's cars on the road one row behind where we are parked. Two people were going in and out of a 5th wheel trailer parked about 4 sites down from us. I watched as a gurney with a white bag was placed in front of the door and then the 2 people brought a body wrapped in a sheet, placed it on the gurney, and drove off. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like that, kind of hope I never do again either.
Lakehead, CA to Phoenix, OR, 120 miles
June 25-26, 2009
Thursday, June 25. NOT TRAPPED IN PACIFICA! After checking and rechecking connectors and switches, we drove the motor home to the local mechanic and after they rechecked the fuses, Mike discovered one that said "stop" - that was the guilty party. You can believe he did one of those hit yourself on the forehead kind of moves. It wasn't long and we were on the road, departing from Pacifica at around 1:00 pm.

Once we got out of the heavily populated areas of San Francisco and the east bay, on highways that were 4 lanes instead of 8 or 10, it was pretty smooth sailing. The drive north took us through the Sacramento Valley and we got a real feel for the area being known as America's bread basket. We were surrounded by fields of sunflowers, rice, corn, onions, and fruit and olive trees. In some areas, the air was sweetened with an herbal smell, maybe lavender. Scattered along the 150 mile drive, we could see bee hives, necessary for the pollination of all of those plants. To the west, we could see a mountain range and the Mendocino National Forest.

North of Red Bluff, the scenery changed drastically and we were surrounded by hardwood trees and, to the east, Lassen Peak was in our view. North of Redding, the hills became much larger as we entered the Trinity Mountains and the Lake Shasta area. We stopped for the night at the Train In RV Park ($15/night with our Passport America discount) where we will spend 2 nights. It feels good to be nestled among trees and for it to be WARM.

Friday, June 26. What a surprise, the temperature is supposed to get to near 100 today and the low tonight is expected to be what we were seeing in the daytime in Pacifica, almost 40 degree difference and we are feeling it. Our bodies will definitely need to acclimate.

I mapped out a scenic route through the Shasta/Trinity National Forest today, a route that would take us about 90 miles over the northern part of the lake, with a stop at Redding to see the Sundial Bridge (a "don't miss" kind of suggestion from Mary). The windows on the Jeep were rolled up and wide open, snacks loaded, and we took off along the narrow 2-lane road. A stop at Kirz Bay gave us an idea of how huge this lake is, with uneven shorelines, it reminded me of Lake of the Ozarks. The water is quite low - there is no way a boat could be launched from the ramp, as it was at least 20 feet from the water.

About 20 miles into the drive, I got to thinking that we might not have locked the door to the motor home when we left. We turned back and I was right - it was unlocked. It was one of those cases where I was thinking he did it and he was thinking I did it.

The plan changed, we left Frisco behind in the motor home with the AC running, closed all of the windows on the Jeep, turned on the AC, and headed to Redding. The Sundial Bridge was worth the drive, a unique pedestrian bridge that crosses the Sacramento River. It is one of the many unusual structures throughout the world that were designed by Santiago Calatrava. After walking across the bridge and enjoying the beautiful scenery along the river, we discovered the McConnell Arboretum and Gardens and spent some time walking along the paths. Unfortunately, we were totally unprepared for the heat and bright sunshine (no sunscreen applied), so we didn't last too long. Both of us were feeling drained of energy and wanting a nap.

Pacifica to Lakehead, CA, 242 miles
June 22-24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23. Yesterday was grocery shopping day and not much else was done. It was a beautiful day here in Pacifica and we did spend some time just sitting outside and enjoying the day.

Today was laundry, wash the rig and car day. There was a lot of salt cumulation on the motor home and we wanted to get it off before we left the park. Hopefully, it will stay clean a little longer now.

I had a follow-up dentist appointment this afternoon and all looks good.

After meeting Ben at his apartment and taking Ruby and Frisco for a walk along lands end, we headed to the Pacific Cafe, a favorite little seafood restaurant located a couple of blocks from Ben's house. Once again, what a delightful dinner we had - their Halibut Parmesan and crab cakes are soooo good.

It was an enjoyable dinner, but then the sad part was saying goodbye until the next time we get back here or connect with them someplace else.

Wednesday, June 24. TRAPPED IN PACIFICA! What a day. All hooked up and ready to roll down the road, I stood behind the motorhome with the Jeep ready to be towed, checking the lights. Tail lights - check, left directional -check, right directional - check, brake lights - NO check. Mike tried everything he could possibly think of; checking wires, bulbs, and fuses but still no brake lights. We are still paid up here at the RV park for 2 more days, so we moved us to a pull-through site (easier to disconnect and reconnect), although Mike was confident that we would still be on our way if we could get a replacement switch for the brakes.

There are 2 switches and 1 of them was available at the local auto parks store but not the other. After a phone call to a nearby Chevrolet dealer, we were told that they could order the part but we would have to prepay. We drove there, entered the parts department, told the man behind the counter what was going on. He reached over and picked up a box that he was about to return because the customer had just canceled the order, and it was the part that we needed. Is that good karma or what? Unfortunately, it wasn't the fix. So we settled in for the night, had some dinner, and watched the 1st 2 episodes of the second season of "The Wire".

June 15 - 21, 2009
Monday, June 15. I spotted dolphins this morning while walking Frisco, the first that I've seen since being here. People are telling us that there are whales at Rockaway Beach, about 3 miles south of here but we haven't gone to see them. The big activity today was a walk to the shopping center and back along the coast.

Tuesday, June 16. We have an appointment this morning to have the serpentine belt changed on the motor home. Before disconnecting, Mike called to make sure the part was in but Bill (the mechanic) wasn't in yet. So here we sit waiting for his call.

We were upset, watching the guy 2 sites from us spill sewage all over the pavement when his connector to his black tank broke. What a mess. He did a good job of cleaning it up, but we have to have the park come and put bleach down to sanitize it.

We took the motor home in at 12:30, then headed to Commodore Dog Park in San Bruno, where we spent over an hour. Frisco ran, jumped, frolicked and played ball with every dog that showed up. He was exhausted when we left and it took him quite a while to catch his breath and keep his tongue in his mouth. We parked at Rockaway Beach to see if we could spot some whales, to no avail. It is a cold and foggy day and the seas are quite rough.

The motor home was finished around 5:30 and the cost was $265.00. They said it was not a fun job to replace the belt, as one person had to be inside the motor home (at the top of the engine) and another had to be underneath. They also custom cut a set of mud flaps for us, as one broke off a while ago.

When we got back to the RV park, a 5th wheel was in the site next to us and their slide-out was slightly over the line. As I sit at the dinette, I could easily reach out the window and touch their slide-out, about a foot away from us. Fortunately, they will be here for only 3 days.

Wednesday, June 17. A week from tomorrow, we will be heading down the road again. Last night was not a good night for either of us. Mike had an upset stomach from either the McDonalds lunch or dirty rice and sausage we had for dinner. My problem was a toothache caused by grinding my teeth at night or else the tooth has a problem and is causing the grinding.

I was able to get an appointment with a dentist here in Pacifica and his recommendation is to have a root canal because there appears to be infection in the root area. I have an appointment for Monday but will probably get another opinion on Friday. Yuck!

This evening, we planned to go with Jim and Peggy, a couple that works at the park, to the Pacific Cafe for dinner. Unfortunately, we got there and a CLOSED sign was posted on the door. We headed down Clement Street looking for something of interest and stopped at Bill's Burgers, a place that we had seen featured on the local TV show, Check Please. The place has been there since 1959. We all had the burger that they were known for and it was quite tasty. It was a nice time.

Thursday, June 18. Today was not a good day for me, except for getting a haircut from Jill. Antibiotics and pain killers had me feeling out of sorts and totally "not with the program" all day long. I asked Mike to drive me to my appointment because I just didn't feel that I could focus enough. I think I will try something different tomorrow.

Friday, June 19. I have another appointment today, this time for a 2nd opinion. I'm getting to the point of frustration; from feeling poorly, from having an aching face and upset stomach, and from having to wait to get this thing taken care of.

Looks like we will have a nice and sunny day today. Yesterday started out beautiful but then the marine layer moved in along the coast and it was gray and cool in Pacifica once again. Just a short distance away, it was sunny and nice. People were telling us of whale sightings from the RV park on Wednesday, both in the morning and evening, 2 adults and 2 young whales were seen frolicking near the shore. We missed it again.

The dentist that I saw today informed me that he takes a conservative approach. He wasn't convinced that I needed a root canal as my crown and everything around it seemed to be in good shape. There was evidence that I had been grinding my teeth and he felt that could be the cause of the problem. He treated the gum with an antibiotic wash followed by an antibiotic injection, recommended daily salt water rinses and a return checkup on Tuesday. The procedure saved me about $1400 and I am so thankful that I went for a 2nd opinion. Naturally, if this doesn't fix the problem, I will have to follow up but for now, I'm happy.

We are got together with Gail and Elaine this evening for some Gorilla BBQ and Farkel. We've been wanting to try the BBQ, as we have heard from a few people that it is quite good, it is housed in an old railroad car at Vallemar Station in Pacifica. Mike and I both agreed that the pulled pork was better than the brisket, but all was tender and the sides were tasty.

Saturday, June 20. Ben and Mike took the bus downtown and went to the Asian Art Museum this morning to see theLords of the Samurai exhibit. They both agreed that it was excellent and well worth it. I'm still not feeling the greatest, so I stayed home.

I did go over to Elaine's RV to help her get her printer working again. After 2.5 hours, I figured it out and had her printing e-mails again (they were printing in HTML code, not text - wierd).

Mike and Ben picked Frisco and I up and we headed to their house, with stops along the way at the grocery store and the park to play with the dogs. We spent the night at their house and grilled burgers and veggies for dinner.

Sunday, June 21. Happy Father's Day! Over coffee this morning, the conversation turned to shaving and MIke was quite surprised when Ben presented him with a shaving brush and soap, his gift from Ben, Jill, and Pat. He recently starting using a double-edge razor on Ben's suggestion and found that he really likes the shave. That led to getting some additional accessories to make the experience even better. He should be all set now for the old fashioned shaving experience.

The day was all about grilling ribs. We purchased 1 rack of spare ribs and 2 racks of baby back ribs and spent all afternoon keeping the temperature of the grill just right, making sure there was moist cherry wood chips and a pan of water on the grill to keep the ribs from drying out. The day was sunny and warm and we spent most of it on the patio, reading, looking at old pictures, and tending the ribs. Jill fixed us Mimosa's as a special treat.

Dinner consisted of the ribs, sweet corn, and potato salad - a good old summertime meal on a beautiful summer day. Frozen yogurt and fresh fruit were dessert.

What a pleasant way to spend our last weekend in the city. Now we start getting ready to leave here on Wednesday.
June 8 - 14, 2009
Tuesday, June 9. Not much happening yesterday other than some grocery shopping. Back to gloomy weather in Pacifica. Mike cooked chicken and potato on the grill for dinner tonight but had to put the grill on the back side of the motor home where it was sheltered from the wind.

Today, we are heading to Guerneville to spend the next 2 days at the Fern Grove Cottages Bed and Breakfast, using the birthday gift that I received from Pat and Ben last year. What a couple of sweethearts!

After a 2-hour drive and a stop for lunch at Sebastopol, we arrived at the Fern Grove Cottages around 2:30. The place has beautiful gardens with lots of roses, ferns, great smelling jasmine, and clusters of beautiful color everywhere, surrounded by tall redwoods. The smell is incredible. Our cottage is nicely furnished with a comfortable porch. After getting settled we took a walk along Guerneville's main street and a foot bridge crossing the Russian River. The town is kind of quaint with several restaurants and assorted junk shops and art galleries, a rather friendly, colorful and diverse place.

Back at our cottage, we had a glass of wine and talked with the couple in the cottage next to ours, Gail and Dan from Palm Desert. Dinner was a pizza delivered from a local pizzeria.

Wednesday, June 10.Breakfast was delicious, consisting of fresh homemade scones, breads, bagels, granola, fruit salad, and beverages.

Driving west to the coast, we made a stop at an RV park in Monte Rio, just to check it out and it turned out to be a placed that we really wouldn't want to stay at. Arriving at the coast, we stopped at the dog friendly Blind Beach, a nice inlet protected by some huge rock formations. We walked and played with Frisco, exploring the beach. Finding shells here is a real treat, as the beaches are covered with beautiful stones. Naturally, I ended up with a pocket full, but threw them all back just before we left. Collecting light weight shells is one thing, stones are quite another.

Heading south on Highway 1 along the coast, we drove through the small town of Bodega Bay but didn't stop until we got to Bodega, about a mile inland from the coast. It is the place where Alfred Hitchock's movie �??The Birds�?� was filmed back in 1961. The only remaining buildings from the film are the schoolhouse and the church. At the Bodega general store, we bought some stuff for lunch. Just down the road from Bodega, we came across a nice little park next to a historic schoolhouse where we stopped to have a little picnic lunch. It was a nice, sunny afternoon, although not real warm.

We continued east along the Bodega Highway, then headed back northwest on the Bohemian Highway through beautiful stands of Redwoods, Eucalyptus, and farmland. It took us through the small towns of Freestone and Occidental, ending up back in Monte Rio and Guerneville.

Just to the west of Guerneville is the Armstrong Woods Redwoods Preserve. We parked outside the gate and walked through the grove of Redwoods, a very quiet and enjoyable spot for a walk. A couple driving through the park stopped to ask us what kind of dog Frisco was. They thought he looked like a Border Terrier, similar to a Jack Russell Terrier. Later on, Mike did some research and found that he really does fit the description and the photos, with the exception of the long hair on his back. We might be a little closer to knowing what our mutt really is. Regardless, we sure do love our little mutt.

Gail and Dan invited us to join them for dinner tonight. We drove to the Applewood Inn but when we realized that dinner would end up costing us about $200, we decided to head back to town and try something a little less expensive. The Main Street Station ended up as our choice and the food and wine were quite good and we were entertained by a very nice jazz quartet.

Thursday, June 11. After a relaxing morning and another excellent breakfast, we headed back to the city. Thanks to Pat and Ben's generous birthday gift certificate for a bed and breakfast, we enjoyed a wonderful 2 days at the Russian River. Theres nothing quite like a vacation from our perma-vacation. We sure do have it made.

Saturday, June 13. Laundry and house cleaning were the big activities of the day yesterday. It was cold and rainy and we really didn't do a lot.

Sunshine greeted us this morning and it hung around all day long. It was one of the few days here that it was comfortable in just a t-shirt, no hoodies required. And here it is the middle of June.

We met Ben at his apartment around 2:00, as we are spending the night and watching Ruby while they go to Sonoma to be with friends. What a luxury to have this big apartment all to ourselves. It was such a beautiful day, we took the dogs for a walk to Land's End. Ruby wasn't real interested, as she had already been to the park with Ben and Frisco had 2 walks and playtime with another dog before we got here. We ordered dinner for delivery from Patpong Thai Restaurant, watched a movie and 2 episodes of "The Wire" before going to bed.

Sunday, June 14. This day brings back memories for me. In 1956, while Rita and I were walking a friend of mine back to her house, I was frightened by a large Boxer dog at the corner of Monroe Street and Main Street in Stoughton, I ran into Main Street and was hit by a Gardner Bakery truck, throwing me 80 feet where I landed in the entry at the Sinclair Station. I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance, put in traction, and spent the rest of the summer there. The accident resulted in the femur of my left leg being broken.

It's another sunny morning and I started the day off with a nice, long, good smelling, bubbly, hot bath - a luxury for me as the motor home has only a shower. When I finished, Mike had the coffee ready for me. It can't get much better than that.

After breakfast, we headed for the dog park in Golden Gate Park. Frisco ran nonstop the whole time we were there, having great fun at stealing balls that were thrown for other dogs. At one point, he stole Ruby's ball and carried it to the other side of the park and hid it under a picnic table. Ruby fetched the ball quite a bit but whenever Frisco was nearby, she let him get it. They were both filthy when we got back home and had to have baths.

It was so nice when we got back, that I headed to the patio to hang out. I didn't really feel like sitting, so I proceeded to scrub the furniture to get the winter's grime off it. Then I sat and relaxed, reading and doing Sudoku.

When Ben and Jill returned, we went out for a pizza, beer, and spinach salad.
June 1 - 7, 2009
Monday, June 1. Happy Birthday, Savana! What an exciting afternoon we had at Costco - NOT. We did want to check the store out to decide what types of things we could purchase there to save money. It's real hard when you don't have a lot of storage space, although it would be wise to purchase some of the things that we buy on a regular basis from there. We ended up spending $170 on paper towels, vitamins, meat, nuts, and guess what - booze. Gas alone, especially for the motor home will be a big savings and will cover the cost of the card very quickly.

Tuesday, June 2. More shopping, guess we just can't get enough groceries - this time it was a trip to Trader Joe's. When we got back to the RV park, the sun was actually shining and we were able to spend some time outdoors. It's amazing how much better you feel when the sun is shining. I've been in a funk the last couple of days and I think it is from the lack of sunshine.

Just when I was telling myself it was time to start some dinner this evening, Jay from next door came by with a dish of shrimp and rice. I put together a green salad and we had Jay's shrimp with it. Nice!

Wednesday, June 3. I woke up to sunshine and strange activity in the park this morning. While sitting at my computer around 7:00, I noticed a man walk by our RV carrying a duffle bag. When I looked over at the parking lot (just outside the fence that surrounds the RV park), I noticed an old motorhome and a man lounging around, putting things in and taking things out of the trash can that is there. Sometimes there appears to be suspicious activity at that parking lot because it is sheltered from the street - it is also an access point to get to the ocean. After about 1/2 hour, the man with the duffle bag returned to the motorhome and the other guy proceeded to run the water hose from the park's dump station through the fence and filled up his water tank. A while later, they left the parking lot, showered and carrying enough water in their holding tank to last until the next time they need it. Guess there was no harm done and everyone needs a good, hot, shower now and then. Life in the big city.

Since we had another nice day, guess what - time to wash the salt spray off the vehicles again. At least it is comfortable being outdoors.

I prepared the ingredients for the Cream of Chicken with Chiles soup that we are making for dinner at Ben and Jill's tonight. When Ben got home from work, we met him at the apartment then took the dogs to Sutro Heights park to run and play for a while. Back home, we assembled and cooked the soup and had dinner together. Nice.

Friday, June 5. Yesterday was another hang around the park, do the laundry and clean the house day. It turned out to be kind of nice, so spent a lot of time outdoors.

Today, we took a drive to the north Bay and Marin County, another "check out RV parks" drive. Our first stop was at the Marin RV Park, about 10 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge, a place that we had stayed at in 2005 but hadn't gone back because it was so cramped. They have done a lot of improvements since we were there and the place looks pretty good - not as large as Pacifica and a more sunny area of the bay.

On to the Novato RV Park, about 12 miles farther north on Hwy 101. The park sits in a little valley surrounded by beautiful hills on the northern edge of Novato, a real pretty area. It would definitely be a future consideration, although they have a minimum 2-month requirement to get their monthly rates.

From there, we drove west toward the ocean and it was beautiful, rural country. Mike spotted a dog park along the way, so we stopped and let Frisco run and play with other dogs for a while. He had lots of fun and was tired out when we got back in the car. Along the way, we spotted deer and a closeup view of a vulture taking off from the ground and flying toward us. For a change, it felt good to be on 2-lane road with nothing but nature surrounding us.

At the coast, the small community of Olema is at the crossroads of Sir Francis Drake Blvd. and Hwy 1. We drove a short distance north to the Olema Ranch Campground, another nice place to consider in the future - there are no monthly rates and have a 2-week restriction on their stays. We stopped at a small deli and had a sandwich before heading back to Pacifica.

Highway 1 along the coast is a curvy, winding stretch of road with beautiful views of the hills and rocky coast. At some points, we had to slow to 15 mph to get around the curves. At a couple of points, the road was surrounded by beautiful, tall Eucalyptus trees that made the surroundings smell good. It was a nice afternoon for a drive. This would be a great motorcycle or sports car drive.

Saturday, June 6. A little bit of work, some relaxation, and a great dinner made for a really good day with Ben. We headed for his house around 10:00 this morning and had a cup of coffee. Then we started our back yard cleanup project. The goal was to get the patio cleaned up. Their back yard is a rather steep, terraced hillside with 4 different levels. The patio level has bamboo and ginger that tends to get overgrown and filled with leaves and blowing debris from the cooler months. Ben really didn't want to spend his whole day off working in the yard so we only spent 2.5 hours but we got a lot done and especially got the patio cleaned up.

Mike and Ben fixed dinner tonight, shredded pork tacos.

Sunday, June 7. We really are becoming old folks. After 2 days of activity, we just lounged around today, even taking 2 naps. I was awake shortly after 5:00 this morning and was laying down for a nap at 10:30. We did take a little walk around the park with Frisco, stopped at the office and chatted for a while, then visited with Gail and Elaine. They invited us to dinner, but we turned it down, preferring to be lazy at home. What a waste of a beautiful, sunny day, and a rather rare occurrence here on the coasts.

Created on 06/01/2009 09:57 AM by bridge
Updated on 07/04/2009 10:01 AM by bridge
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