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February, 2011
February 21 - 27, 2011
Monday, February 21. I'm ticked - I just updated the last 2 days on this journal - didn't save my work - and lost a half hour of typing. I should know better.

Mike had a follow-up appointment this morning on his contact lens. All is well but they had to adjust his prescription a little bit.

I called Costco to see if they had my glasses in and yes, they did. Yay! On my way there, I dropped off the remaining 2 boxes of stuff from the patio sale at the thrift store. My glasses are great! I have never liked sunglasses in the past, but I think I'm really going to like them. My regular glasses also have the transition lenses, so I will be protected at all times now - especially important where we are now living.

I stopped at Walmart to look at their bikes but I don't think I will buy one there. First, I am anti-Walmart and second, they are big, heavy, clunky bikes. I will keep checking Craig's List, shopping online, and the local stores.

We went to Chris and Norm's house this evening for happy hour and to meet their guests, Michael and Donna from Wisconsin. Michael is Chris' former boss and he and Mike had met back in the 80s when they were both active with the Vietnam Veterans Association in Wisconsin. We headed to San Tan Flat Saloon & Grill in Queen Creek. We met up with Norm's daughter Jenny and her husband Heath, they actually saved a table for us. It was a cool night but we managed to stay warm with the many strategically places firepits and abundance of firewood provided. As usual, we had lots of great conversation, good food, and plenty of laughs. Thanks for being the designated driver, Chris - I owe you one.

Tuesday, February 22. Mike picked up his prescription this morning and we headed to Costco to drop it off - he will save $15 per box by getting his lenses there. He will be wearing one corrective contact lens for his distance vision - his close vision is fine. Mono-vision sounds strange to me but it works for him.

Nan and Dale were off today, so we met them at Joe's BBQ in Gilbert for lunch. We then went to check out the Gilbert Riparian Institute. It is a natural preserve and wetlands with 8 lakes that provide a sanctuary for migrating birds and waterfowl. Walkways meander throughout the grounds with many places to stop and observe the many ducks, herons, egrets, and shorebirds. It is a quiet, peaceful place that I will definitely want to visit again - especially in a few weeks when the native plants and wildflowers are in bloom.

Wednesday, February 23. I found a bike! I headed out today to check a few of the sporting goods stores and my stop at Dick's gave me just what I was looking for. I did spend a little more than planned but got a really good bike at clearance prices. I bought a Diamondback Serene Comfort bike - lightweight with a comfy seat and handlebars. Yay! A loop around the park (about 1.25 miles) let my body know that it needs to go easy for a little while.

Thursday, February 24. Today's highlight was dinner at Organ Stop Pizza with Allan and Sharon. They had never been there before and even though we didn't have the best seats in the house, we were all quite entertained by the organ player's repertoire. It is amazing how he controls so many different instruments (mounted on the walls and ceilings) while sitting at the organ. We sang along to some of the oldies too - it was a fun evening.

Sunday, February 27. Boy, have we been spending the money - and now it's time to get back on the austerity program. Yesterday, we headed out to Best Buy to replace our printer - the old one (from 2001) has been giving us nothing but problems. So, $100 spent - no problem. But we didn't walk out the door. Instead, we headed to the camera counter and walked out of there with a new camera. We now have 2 new gadgets to learn about.

This morning, I went to Sprouts to stock up the cupboards with groceries. On my way back home, driving east, I noticed that there was snow on the Superstition Mountains - about 20 miles from us. I wasn't aware that could happen around here, especially since it was already 47 degrees when I woke up this morning. Crazy.

When I got back home, we took Frisco for a walk and Mike snapped a few photos to test out the new camera. We passed a neighbor and she told us that she just heard from a friend in Apache Junction (just west of the mountains) and they were getting snow.

Monica joined us for dinner tonight - it was so nice to see her and spend some time with her again. Gotta do that more often. Regarding the snow - she said that she actually saw snowflakes in Scottsdale last night - like I said - Crazy!
February 14 - 20, 2011
Monday, February 14. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Yesterday, I got to remembering our 1st Valentine's Day together, back in 1967. We both skipped work because it was predicted to be a nice, warm day. Mike bought me a cute little stuffed bear and I bought him chocolates. We spent the entire day outside and rode Mike's motorcycle from Madison to Stoughton and back - an unusual thing to do in Wisconsin at this time of year. We also both got in trouble for skipping a day of work, as our bosses were married to each other and knew just what we were up to. We were young and madly in love, so we didn't care about that at all.

Thursday, February 17. Other than going to Mac's for burgers and a beer with Nan and Dale on Tuesday, we haven't done much but stick around the house. I've been rather obsessed with reading "The Girl That Played With Fire", the 2nd of Stieg Larson's trilogy. Jill gave us the 1st in the series, "The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo" while we were visiting over the holidays. Our neighbor, Carolyn, brought over the 3rd book to us today. They are extremely well written and you hardly want to put them down.

Happy 34th Birthday, Ben - a day late!

Last night I had to call to see if I had to show up for Jury Duty today. The message said to call back at 11:00 today for a time to show up - today. What's with that? I called at 11:00 and learned that I had been released and don't have to show up again unless I get another summons in the mail. Yeah!!!

I spent some time this morning getting organized for the patio sale we will have on Saturday. They are now predicting rain that day, so hopefully, it's not a bust.

Friday, February 18. Laundry, grocery shopping, and prep for the sale were the main activities today.

Tonight, I went with 25 other women from our community to see "Menopause The Musical"
at the Mesa Arts Center. It was hilarious - 4 women dancing to parodies of 50's and 60's songs and making fun of the so called change of life. I laughed so much that my cheeks and jaws hurt. What a great time - I will have to keep my eyes open, as I realized how much I enjoy live productions.

Saturday, March 19. We were up early this morning, gulped a cup of coffee, and proceeded to get ready for today's patio sale. The gates to the park opened at 7:00. Balloons were hung on the mailbox and cars were starting to show up shortly thereafter. I walked around the block to see what was around, but there was nothing that stood up and yelled "buy me". Allan and Sharon came by around 10:30 and we sat and talked, catching up on the last couple of busy weeks since we last saw each other. By noon, the weather was changing; the wind had picked up, the temperature dropped, and it was starting to sprinkle, so we all headed indoors. The cash income for the sale was at $43 and that was about the end of it.

We cooked up some bratwurst and had a bite for lunch. By 2:00, we were all talked out and it was time for naps. What a life!

Sunday, February 20. It rained throughout the night and I can't help thinking about the wildflowers that are going to start blooming soon. A few more good rains and it will mean that the cactus will also have a good bloom this spring. The air smells nice and fresh this morning but the sky is still gray and cloudy.

Mike and I decided to go check out a nearby antique mall in downtown Mesa - a huge 5,000+ square foot building with another annex next door. We found a nice etching of San Francisco that was the right price, so that was our only purchase today. After a couple of hours of browsing, that was enough for both of us and we headed home for naps. After all, we are retired and can do that - especially on a gray and rainy day.
February 7 - 13, 2011
Monday, February 7. I got off to a good start this morning with a nice, long walk and then a 20 minute "Walk Away The Pounds" workout. I decided last week that I should get off my lazy butt and do a little more than just a Frisco walk each day. I could definitely use some upper body exercise, so I dug out the CD and did the workout on Friday morning. I can't believe the muscles that I'm feeling in my shoulders and the backs of my thighs. Hope I can stick to it and do it at least a few times a week.

I'm not sure where the rest of the day went, but I found ways to stay busy. I did manage to take a nice sun bath for a half hour while reading my book. We have both been getting into the "Girl With The Dragon Tatoo" series. I'm usually not interested in reading that type of crime novel but I got sucked in and now I will have to finish. Jill loaned us the 1st in the series, then Mike was lucky to find "The Girl Who Played With Fire" at the library at our club house, and he has the 3rd, "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest" on reserve at the library - the last he checked, he was number 33 on the list.

Mike had his guitar lesson and I watched Michael Jackson's, "This Is It" - interesting, but I'm glad it is behind me. I never was that big of a fan.

Tuesday, February 8. I got through another part of my annual checkup - the mammogram and bone density is now out of the way. Blood tests and a follow-up visit and I should be done until next year.

This afternoon we went to Sun City to connect with Gail and Elaine, a couple that we met when we all worked at San Francisco RV Resort back in 2007. They now live in Hemet, CA but just finished a 9 week job in Quartzite, AZ and came to Sun City to visit their fellow RVing friends, Wes and Ann. It was so nice that they welcomed us to their home. Elaine made some delicious pulled pork, Ann made a yummy coleslaw, and I contributed a lemon cake from AJ's. The lemon bars that I made this morning were a total flop - a combination of an inaccurate recipe and baking it in the convection oven. I think it might be time to shop for a new oven - the one in the house is quite old and might not be working right - especially since I've had so many flops.

We had a great visit, lots of good conversation, and it was nice getting to know Ann and Wes.

Wednesday, February 9. I was just a bundle of energy this morning. Frisco and I had a nice, long walk and then I did the 2-mile "Walk Away The Pounds" workout. My upper body really feels the change but it is all good.

We worked together to get the house cleaned, that way it doesn't take very long at all.

This afternoon, I took the 2 dining room chairs that need to be repaired to an upholstery shop for an estimate. The guy told me that they were at least 100 years old - I knew they were antique but still don't have a clue as to what I really have. He told me that the nails will have to be very carefully removed as to not damage the embossed leather that they are holding down. The sad thing is that the nails are no longer available and if any should break, they would have to be replaced by something a little different. His repair estimate was $85/chair plus the cost of a box of nails, if needed ($58). I didn't leave the chairs, as I will get another estimate and search the internet for replacement nails.

Mike fixed red beans and rice with hot smoked sausage for dinner tonight - yum!

Thursday, February 10. We were up early and on the road shortly after 8:00, dropped Frisco off at Chris and Norm's and then headed to Tucson for the Gem and Mineral Show. The plan was to go with Allan and Sharon but they were unable to make it today.

We headed for the Kino Electric Park and hit the shows there, including the RV Show. This is truly the show of shows and we only touched on a very small part of it. We're definitely interested in going again next year - and maybe more than once. Vendors from all over the world had their wares from rough rocks and minerals to meteors that dropped out of space; from coal to diamonds; from tiny beads to 2500 pound amethyst and 4 foot tall trunks of petrified wood. We spent about 4 hours and that was enough for us. Check it out at Tucson Gem and Mineral Show.

Sunday, February 13. The weather around here has been perfect the last few days, today the temps reached 80 degrees. I've considered going to the pool the last 2 days but haven't made it - I've managed to get involved with something and it doesn't happen. Our fish-belly-white skin is starting to get some color again and Frisco is enjoying sun bathing as much as we are.

On Friday morning, we both had appointments for checkups on our eyes. We were both diagnosed with the start of cataract (nothing to be concerned about in the immediate future) and I was informed that I may need to have something done to correct my drooping eyelids in the future. Mike learned that it is possible that he can toss his glasses and get a single contact lens (mono vision) instead. He's very interested in this prospect and will go back on Monday to get that taken care of. I walked out of there with a quote of $785 for one pair of glasses.

When searching for an eye doctor, I also did some research and learned that Costco Optical has a very good reputation for quality and price. Although we wanted to get real good exams that were covered by our insurance, we walked out of that office with a prescription in hand and headed to Costco to check that out. The frames that I chose were not quite big enough for my progressive bifocal, so I became quite frustrated and left without purchasing anything.

Yesterday morning I headed back to Costco, selected 2 frames and ordered a pair of glasses and a pair of sunglasses for $405 and we will both be taken care of for the cost of that 1 pair of glasses for me.

Chris, Norm, and Josie joined us for dinner this evening and we treated them to beef tenderloin and shrimp on the grill. Chris brought a salad and red velvet cake and we had a great meal and as usual, lots of good conversation.
February 1 - 6, 2011
Wednesday, February 2. Brrrrr! My thermometer is reading 33.6 degrees this morning and the wind is coming straight out of the north. The hummingbird feeder is moving so much that the little hummers are sitting on top of it, trying to keep their balance (I removed the perches because the big birds were using them - didn't affect the hummers until today). Our highs for today are expected to be 47 degrees and it won't top 55 until Friday. I'm still not complaining as an incredibly strong storm is hitting the rest of the country over the next few days and it looks like most of the US will have snow, ice, sub-zero temperatures, and high winds. I just hope everyone stays safe and warm.

I was busy yesterday; doing laundry, some sewing repairs, and getting my plants ready for the cold spell. Everything had to be watered good and many things had to be covered to protect them from the cold. Next year, that shouldn't be a problem but everything is so new this winter. I also made several wire cages because the rabbits are dining in my back yard again. I just put in this really cool Agave Potatorum and they have found it already - dang! The plant was surrounded with pups, so I cut a few of them off to start in other places. I just love it when I can buy one plant and divide it into several plants.

My neighbor told me the other day that my yard was starting to look real nice, a much appreciated comment. She also told me that we were welcome to help ourselves to the oranges and grapefruit from her trees. Now, that is an offer I can't refuse as I absolutely love oranges. They are small but very delicious and juicy. Oranges have become one of Frisco's favorite treats - he usually is right at my feet whenever I peel one - funny little dog.

That reminds me that when we were in San Francisco we learned that Ruby is really fond of bananas. Ben feeds her the end parts that he has named the "bananus" - a name that will stick forever now.

Thursday, February 3. Big excitement this morning. Frisco was focused on something that he was seeing from the window, he was making little yipping sounds. I went to look and there was a coyote walking along the front yards across the street. It went behind to bushes directly across the street from us and it kept hesitating and coming out for a better look at what was making all that noise - yes, Frisco was barking loudly and we couldn't get him to stop. For a couple of minutes, it just hesitated and kept looking around for the noisemaker, probably dreaming about how yummy the meal would be. I managed to get one good coyote photo.

Today is the day that we begin establishing a relationship with a new doctor. We both felt comfortable with those that we chose blindly from our insurance company's website and also found the facility to be nice and close to home. Both of us need to have some blood tests done and I have to schedule a mammogram and bone density and we will follow up after those results are in. So, we're off to a good start.

Saturday, February 5. The last 2 days, we have been on a quest for earbuds and a lamp for the living room. I had been on the Lamps Plus website and picked out a floor model with adjustable arms for the living room between our 2 recliners. They happened to have that model in the store. We got home and the first thing we noticed was a big dent in the base. Then Mike noticed that the cord looked like it had be hurriedly taped together with wrinkled up masking tape. In addition, the bulb in one of the adjustables was burned out - and we don't even like how it looks. What a piece of junk, I think it might have been a return. I called the sales person immediately and let her know that we would return it tomorrow.

After giving it some thought, we decided to use the lamp that Grandpa Bridge made - its sitting on the shelf in the closet. It really is a cool lamp, but needs a bit of work. Today we headed back to Scottsdale, returned the floor lamp and purchased a shade for the family lamp. We still needed a part to make it work, so we headed to "The Wizard of Odz", a lamp repair store in north Phoenix. It was a pretty cool place, had been in business since 1967 and they had everything you would ever need to build or repair a lamp - a pretty cool place. There, we got the parts that we needed and headed back home - a 100+ mile round trip. Anyway, the lamp looks pretty good and we both feel good that we are using the old family heirloom. Thanks Bert!

Sunday, February 6. GO PACKERS! Had a great morning, complete with a nice walk and a great conversations with Ben and my sister, Rene. I made an Apple Torte to take with us to Nan and Dale's for the Packer game. When we got there, the table was already full of goodies, several others where steaming on the counter top or warming in the oven. We were also joined by Monica, Dylan and Cassie, and Mike and his tiny Yorkie, Pixie.

The game was exciting with lots of ups and downs and the advertising brought lots of laughs. We grazed all through the game, sampling lots of great hors d'oeuvre's (yes, I had to spell check for that one). Best of all, the Packer's won, with a final score of 31-25.

Monday, February 28, 2011
Here it is, the last day of February and Happy Birthday to little Olivia, or great-niece in Kansas City is a year old today.

The cold spell has passed once again, although it was brisk out there walking this morning. I just alter my route so that we are walking in the warm sunshine and Frisco never minds, as long as he gets to walk. It got nice and warm as the day went on.

I finished reading "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest" tonight. Once I got started this afternoon, I just couldn't put it down. I didn't even fix any dinner tonight - Mike had a bowl of cereal before his guitar class and I had a peanut butter sandwich. All 3 books were excellent reads and I would recommend them to anyone. Thanks Jill, for getting us started on them.

After Mike left for his class, Frisco and I walked around the park with Arlene, stopping to chat with a few neighbors along the way. It was a beautiful evening and it is now staying light until almost 7:00 now.

Created on 02/01/2011 12:02 PM by bridge
Updated on 03/01/2011 08:48 AM by bridge
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