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Photo Album: October, 2011 - FL, AZ
Order By:  Newest | Oldest  First List Albums | Slide Show

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Happy Hour with Jonnie and Marty
Happy Hour with Jonnie and Marty

Spooky Graveyard in Summerfield, FL
Spooky Graveyard in Summerfield, FL

Aunt Cindy, Marty, and her sister, Diane
Aunt Cindy, Marty, and her sister, Diane

Charlotte - 6 Weeks Old
Charlotte - 6 Weeks Old

Allan, Paul, Mike, Me, Karen, and Sharon at Monti&#39;s
Allan, Paul, Mike, Me, Karen, and Sharon at Monti&#39;s

Jim and Nancy, with Molly
Jim and Nancy, with Molly

Mark and Renita
Mark and Renita

One of Mark and Renita&#39;s Creations
One of Mark and Renita&#39;s Creations

Some of Mark and Renita&#39;s Cut and Polished Stones
Some of Mark and Renita&#39;s Cut and Polished Stones

Rudy and Sonja Love the Giant Barrell Cactus
Rudy and Sonja Love the Giant Barrell Cactus

Goldfield Ghost Town
Goldfield Ghost Town

Rudy and Sonja at Goldfield Ghost Town
Rudy and Sonja at Goldfield Ghost Town

Beautiful Canyon Lake Boat Ride
Beautiful Canyon Lake Boat Ride

Canyon Lake Boat Ride
Canyon Lake Boat Ride

Mike, Rudy, Me, and Sonja at Tortilla Flats
Mike, Rudy, Me, and Sonja at Tortilla Flats

The Silly Ladie&#39;s Room at Tortilla Flat
The Silly Ladie&#39;s Room at Tortilla Flat

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