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Photo Album: June 2013 - AZ
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Classmate&#39;s From Stoughton at Mike&#39;s Memorial
Classmate&#39;s From Stoughton at Mike&#39;s Memorial

Pat, Ben, and I at Lake Farm Park
Pat, Ben, and I at Lake Farm Park

Pat, Ben, and I at Alchemy, Madison, WI
Pat, Ben, and I at Alchemy, Madison, WI

Penny and I at Toby&#39;s
Penny and I at Toby&#39;s

Ben, Bob, and Pat at Toby&#39;s
Ben, Bob, and Pat at Toby&#39;s

Wisconsin Sunset
Wisconsin Sunset

The Stitch N B*#ch Ladies
The Stitch N B*#ch Ladies

The Yahara River Trail
The Yahara River Trail

Troll House Near the Trail
Troll House Near the Trail

Pat - The End of The Hike
Pat - The End of The Hike

Pat&#39;s Flooded Veggie Garden
Pat&#39;s Flooded Veggie Garden

My Cousin, Fran&#39;s 88th Birthday Party
My Cousin, Fran&#39;s 88th Birthday Party

Me, Bob, and Rita
Me, Bob, and Rita

Pats Roses
Pats Roses

The Drive Through Queen Creek Canyon Between Globe and Superior, AZ
The Drive Through Queen Creek Canyon Between Globe and Superior, AZ

Salt River Canyon Between Show Low and Globe, AZ
Salt River Canyon Between Show Low and Globe, AZ

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